full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Elaine Fong: My mother's final wish -- and the right to die with dignity

Unscramble the Blue Letters

In the sttae of Washington where my mom lived, Death With Dignity has been in effect since 2009. And for those of you who aren't familiar, Death With Dignity is legislation that ewrmpoes iundadliivs to decide for themselves to move on when science has confirmed the end is near. It gives individuals the lgeal right to decide and act for themselves to move on when fecad with a terminal illness. Death With Dignity is legal in five out of 50 US states, and is one of many end-of-life care options available. It was this particular end-of-life care option that my mom wanted. And she asked us to support her through this. We were devastated and none of us knew what to say. So she sopke first. "I want a private ceremony at home, immediate flmiay only. This is the outfit that I want to wear and don't spend any money on flowers, but if you do, I like yellow ones."

Open Cloze

In the _____ of Washington where my mom lived, Death With Dignity has been in effect since 2009. And for those of you who aren't familiar, Death With Dignity is legislation that ________ ___________ to decide for themselves to move on when science has confirmed the end is near. It gives individuals the _____ right to decide and act for themselves to move on when _____ with a terminal illness. Death With Dignity is legal in five out of 50 US states, and is one of many end-of-life care options available. It was this particular end-of-life care option that my mom wanted. And she asked us to support her through this. We were devastated and none of us knew what to say. So she _____ first. "I want a private ceremony at home, immediate ______ only. This is the outfit that I want to wear and don't spend any money on flowers, but if you do, I like yellow ones."


  1. legal
  2. spoke
  3. individuals
  4. family
  5. empowers
  6. state
  7. faced

Original Text

In the state of Washington where my mom lived, Death With Dignity has been in effect since 2009. And for those of you who aren't familiar, Death With Dignity is legislation that empowers individuals to decide for themselves to move on when science has confirmed the end is near. It gives individuals the legal right to decide and act for themselves to move on when faced with a terminal illness. Death With Dignity is legal in five out of 50 US states, and is one of many end-of-life care options available. It was this particular end-of-life care option that my mom wanted. And she asked us to support her through this. We were devastated and none of us knew what to say. So she spoke first. "I want a private ceremony at home, immediate family only. This is the outfit that I want to wear and don't spend any money on flowers, but if you do, I like yellow ones."

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
beautiful experiences 3
health care 2

Important Words

  1. act
  2. asked
  3. care
  4. ceremony
  5. confirmed
  6. death
  7. decide
  8. devastated
  9. dignity
  10. effect
  11. empowers
  12. faced
  13. familiar
  14. family
  15. flowers
  16. home
  17. illness
  18. individuals
  19. knew
  20. legal
  21. legislation
  22. lived
  23. mom
  24. money
  25. move
  26. option
  27. options
  28. outfit
  29. private
  30. science
  31. spend
  32. spoke
  33. state
  34. states
  35. support
  36. terminal
  37. wanted
  38. washington
  39. wear
  40. yellow